Monday, August 10, 2009


I have a new found respect for everyone who presents at a conference. It takes so much work to collaborate, coordinate and print!


  1. Teresa, you and your group did a great job with a big, scary topic! The folder you provided had a lot of great resources in it. In September sometime, I'm going to check out the article you mentioned in your previous post, "How Physical Design Can Influence Copyright Compliance” by Meghan Harper. I am worried about finding the right balance between freaking out about copyright and hiding in my office so I can't see or know anything about what's going on!

  2. You'll be fine. Half the battle is knowing what you need to know. We will never fully know copyright law because it is always changing. Knowing where to get the most up to date and most reliable information is very important. As a group we found fantastic sources. Ann had the best find with the "Catechism" because of the great anecdotal information. I'm going to buy that book!
